Elevate formerly known as The P.O.W.E.R  Academy is an ongoing weekly self-assessment and empowerment group for people whose lives have been altered by sex-based felonies and other life interruptions. Elevate is a unique, one-of-a-kind experience for people who want to take control of their lives and live life to the fullest.

Elevate is different from other support services. It does more than simply point one in the right direction. It holds one accountable, helps them manage life choices, and guides them in rejoining society in healthy, constructive, beneficial ways.

This specialized adult life group requires a specific set of skills, abilities, understanding, and compassion. The Founder/Facilitator, Larry Anderson offers the first of its kind life coaching group exclusively designed for registered sex offenders and their supportive spouses and loved ones. He is also the forward-thinking founder of Knowing the Registry. This innovative, two-part program educates church and community organizations and members on the benefits and rewards of building healthy relationships with reformed sex offenders. His program helps pastors and leaders have needed conversations with people who have succumbed to the lure and the pitfalls of life.

Larry is also the author of Evil On My Pew, a groundbreaking book that outlines positive steps churches can take in the right direction while also eliminating many of the misunderstandings and anxieties that surround welcoming sex offenders into the church. This trailblazing book encourages God’s leaders to explore the possibilities of having a congregation rooted and grounded in love and acceptance.

Elevate helps these individuals create better lives for themselves, their spouses, and their families. It shows them how they can be an important, useful part of a welcoming environment. Elevate proves that coaching for people with past sexual behavior issues can and does work. There is redemption. There is hope. There is help. Elevate  provides a path to all three.

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Gain insight and inspiration into who you are and what is holding you back, Learn three practical and simple actions you can put into place within 20 minutes daily to positively impact your life & Start to change your outlook on life once and for all.